We don't like to think about the possibilities, and that is why so many people fail to prepare. But failing to prepare, is preparing to fail.

Zig Zigler said "Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes."

We don't want to think about the possible dangers, for fear of being "Johnny Raincloud", but if we don't consider the obvious dangers, we won't be survival minded.

There are many threats at the doorstep of America these days. Threats from radical terrorists bent on our destruction, serious government mismanagement, natural disasters, disease, drought, etc, etc....

Consider Katrina, Fukashima, 9/11, and the U.S. financial market crash in 2008.

Sometimes it seems like the perfect storm is brewing. So are we to ignore those things, and not prepare, when people are relying on us for their care?

Some don't want to be one of those "doomsday preppers", some think it is a lack of faith and trust in the Lord, and some are just too busy to think about it.

Those are convenient concerns when everything is going well. But around the world, people have experienced major catastrophes on may levels, are we to think that America is exempt from the reach of crisis?

That is the kind of thinking that will sort out those who thrive, those who survive, those who become victims, and those who die, when disaster comes.

If it comes your way, will you just survive, or thrive?

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